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    Boats and Streams concept of upstream and downstream with solved examples

    Boats and stream
    Boats and Streams concept of upstream and downstream with solved examples

     Boat and Stream:

    Stream means Current and  The speed of the water. 

    When we say the speed of a boat it means the speed of the boat in still water.

    Upstream: when a boat moves against the direction of the stream it is called upstream.

    Downstream: When a boat moves in the direction of the stream it is called downstream.

    Important points:

    i. The speed of the boat is always greater than steam.

    ii. If the speed of the boat is x and the speed of the steam is y. then

    Speed of boat in upstream = x-y km/hr
    Speed of boat in downstream = x+y km/hr

    iii. Speed of boat = Speed of a boat in upstream + speed of a boat in downstream)/2
         Speed of boat = Speed of a boat in downstream - the speed of the boat in upstream )/2

    Problems Based on Boat and Stream:

    Ex.1 A boatman rows 1 km in 5 minutes, along the stream, and 6 km in 1 hour against the stream. The speed of the stream is?
    Sol. Speed of current  = (downstream - upstream)/2

    (12-6)/2 = 3 km/hr

    Speed of boat along the stream

    The boat travels 1 km in 5 minutes therefore it travels 12 km in 60 minutes.

    Ex.2 A boat covers 12 km upstream and 18 km downstream in 3 hours while it covers 36 km upstream and 24 km downstream in 6.5 hours. what is the speed of the current?
    Sol.Speed of the boat in still water = x km/hr
    Speed of the current = y km/hr

    Time taken by the boat in upstream = distance/speed = 12/(x-y)
    Time taken by the boat downstream = 18/(x+y)

    3 =  12/(x-y)  + 18/(x+y) ..... i


    13/2 =  36/(x-y) + 24/(x+y) ..... ii

    Multiply equation I by 3 and subtract by ii

    54/(x+y) - 24/(x-y) = 9- 13/2

    30/(x+y)  = 5/2
    x+y = 12 = Speed of boat downstream

    Put x+y = 12 in equation i

    12/(x-y) + 18/12  = 3
    x-y = 8 km/hr =  speed of boat in upstream

    speed of current = (12-8)/2 = 2 km/hr

    Ex.3 A swimmer swims from a point A against a current for 5 minutes and then swims backward in favor of the current for the next 5 minutes and comes to point B. if AB is 100 meters, the speed of the current is km/hr.
    Sol. Let distance covered in upstream = d
    Total distance from A to C to B  = 100+d

    Speed of swimmer in upstream = x-y m/min
    Speed of swimmer in downstream = x+y m/min

    Time is taken by the swimmer in upstream = 5 = d/(x-y)

    d = 5(x-y) ....... i 

    Again, Downstream = (100+d)/(x+y) = 5 ......... ii

    Put the value of d in equation ii.

    [100+5(x-y)]/(x+y) = 5
    100 + 5x-5y = 5x+5y
    10y = 100
    y = 10 m/min =  6 km/hr

    Ex.4 A boat 12 km downstream and come back to the starting point in 3 hours. If the speed of the current is 3 km/hr.  Then the speed in km/hr of the boat in still water is?
    Sol. Let the speed of the boat in still water x km/hr
    Total time
    12/(x+3) + 12/(x-3) = 3

    4*2x = x2 -9
    x2- 8x- 9 = 0
    x(x-9) + 1(x-9) = 0
    x = 9  x =3 

    Ex.5 A man swims downstream a distance of 15 km/hr. If the speed of the current is 5 km/hr. The time taken by the man to swim the same distance upstream is?
    Sol. Let the speed of the boat in still water = x
    Speed of current = y

    Speed of Boat upstream = x-y
    Speed of Boat downstream = x+y

    Distance = Speed * Time
    (x-y) * 2t = (x+ y) * t 
    2x - 2y = x + y
    x/y = 3/1 

    3:1 Ans.

    Ex.6 In a fixed time, a boy swims double the distance along with the current. If the speed of the current is 3 km/hr. The speed of the boy in still water?
    Sol. Let the rate of swimming in still water = x km/hr.

    Rate of swims in downstream = x+3 km/hr
    Rate of swims in upstream = x-3 km/hr

    According to the questions

    D = speed * time
    (x+3)t = (x-3)2t
    x= 9 km/hr

    Ex.7 The Speed of a boat in still water is 6 km/hr and the Speed of the stream is 1.5 km/hr. A man rows to a place at a distance of 22.5 km and comes back to the starting point. The total time is taken by himself.
    Sol. Rate downstream = 6+1.5 = 7.5 km/hr
    Rate upstream = 6-1.5 = 4.5 km/hr

    Time = distance/ speed

    Required time = 22.5/7.5  + 22.5/4.5 = 3+5 = 8 hours

    Ex.8 A motorboat covers a certain distance downstream in a river in 3 hours. It covers the same distance upstream in 3 hours and a half. If the speed of water is 1.5 km/hr. The speed of a boat in still water is?
    Sol. Let the speed of the boat in still water = x
    distance = d

    Rate Upstream = x - 1.5 km/hr
    Rate Downstream = x+1.5 km/hr

    d/(x+1.5) = 3
    d(x-1.5) = 7/2

     On diving equations we get.

    (x-1.5)/(x+1.5) = 6x+9

    7x - 10.5 = 6x + 9
    x = 19.5 km/hr

    Ex.9 Two boats A and B towards each other from two places, 108 km apart speed of the boat A and B in still water are 12 km/hr and 15 km/hr respectively. If A proceeds down and B up the stream, they will meet them after?
    Sol. Let the speed of the stream is x km/hr 
    and boats meet after t hours.

    According to the questions.

    (12+x)t + (15-x)t = 108
    27t = 108
    t = 108/27 = 4 hours.

    Ex.10 Speed of motorboat in still water is 45 km/hr. If the motorboat travels 80 km along the stream in 1 hour 20 minutes, then the time taken to cover the same distance against the stream will be.
    Sol Let the Speed of current = x km/hr
    Speed of boat downstream = x+45 km/hr

    According to the questions
    8/(x+45) = 1 hours 20 minutes = 4/3 hours

    4x+180 = 240
    x = 15 km/hr

    Rate Upstream = 45-15 = 30 km/hr
    Required time = 80/30 = 8/3 = 2 hour 40 minutes

    Ex.11The speed of a boat along the stream is 12 km/hr and against the stream is 8 km/hr. The time taken by the boat to sail 24 km in still water is.
    Sol. Speed of boat in still water is x km/hr
    Speed of current = y km/hr

    Required time = 24/10 = 2.4 hours

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