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    Time and work solved examples based on the concept of efficiency

    Time and work
    Time and work examples based on the concept of efficiency

    Time and Work Concept of Efficiency :

    Work ∝ 1/ Time:

    If the work Ratio of A and B is 2:1


    The time Ratio of A and B is 1:2

    Efficiency is indirectly proportional to the number of days.

    ED = Constant
    E1D1 = E2D2 = E3D3

    E = Efficiency
    D = Days

    Ex.1 If A is 2 times efficient than B. If they both can complete a work in 12 days. Then in how many days A alone can complete work.

    Sol. Method 1:

    The work efficiency of A: B is 2:1

    Time efficiency of A: B is 1:2

    1 day's work of A = 1/x

    1 days' work of B = 1/2x

    Together they work in 10 days = 1/x + 1/2x = 1/12

    3x/2x2= 1/12

    x=18 days

    Method 2:

    If A is twice efficient as B.

    Thrice efficient man will do work in 12 days

    3 men = 12 days

    1 man = 12 * 3 = 36

    A's work = 36/2 = 18 Days

    B's work = 36/1 = 36 Days

    Method 3:

    ED = E1D1

    12*3 = 2*D

    D =36/2 = 18 Days

    B will do work in 18 Days Ans.

    Ex.2 A is 3 times more efficient than B. If A can complete his work in 20 days then how many days they both complete the work.

    Sol.Method 1:

    The ratio of work efficiency = 3:1

    The ratio of time efficiency = 1:3

    A's 1 day work = 1/x

    B's 1-day work = 1/3x


    A will complete work in  x=20 days

    will complete work in  = 60 days

    A's 1-day work = 1/20

    B's 1-day work =1/60

    (A+B)'s 1 day work = 1/20+1/60 = 4/60 = 1/15

    A+B will do the same work in = 15 days

    Method 2:

    The ratio of work efficiency = 3:1

    The ratio of time efficiency = 1:3

    3 Times efficient A will do work in 20 days. then B will do work in 60 Days.

    A's 1-day work = 1/20

    B's 1-day work =1/60

    (A+B)'s 1 day work = 1/20+1/60 = 4/60 = 1/15

    A+B will do the same work in = 15 days

    Method 3:

    E1D1 = E2D2

    3*20 = 1*D

    D= 60 Days

    Rest is same as above Ans

    Ex.3 If A is 30% more efficient than B if they both can complete the work in 52 days. Then in how many days A alone completes the work.

    Sol. Method 1:

    Ratio of work efficiency is 130x : 100x = 13x :10x

    Time efficiency is 10x : 13x

    A's 1 days work = 1/10x

    B's 1 day work = 1/13x

    Both can complete work in 52 days

    1/10x + 1/13x = 1/52

    (13x+10x)/130x2 = 1/52

    23x/130x2 = 1/52

    x = (23*52)/130

    A will complete same work in = [(23*52)*10]/130 = 92 days

    B will complete same work in  =[(23*52)*13]/130 = 119.6 days

    Method 2:

    Ratio of work efficiency is 130x : 100x = 13x :10x

    Time efficiency is 10x : 13x

    Together they will finish work in 23x = 52 days

    x = 52 * 23

    A will finish work in (52*23)/13 = 92 days

    B will finish work in (52*23)/10 = 119.6 days

    Method 3:

    E1D1 =E2D2

    A will finish the work in 23*52 = 13*D

    D = (23*52)/13 = 92 days Ans

    Ex.4 If A is 3 times efficient than B and takes 48 days less to do work. Then in how many days B alone can complete this work.

    Sol. The ratio of work efficiency = 3x: x

    Time efficiency = x : 3x

    A takes 48 days less than B

    3x-x = 48

    2x= 48


    B will take 3x = 72 days, and A will take 24 days Ans

    Ex.5 A is thrice as good a workman as Band, therefore, can finish a job in 40 days less than B.working together, they can do it in.

    Sol.Time taken by A to complete the work = x days

    Time taken by B to complete the work = 3x days

    So, 3x - x = 40

    2x = 40

    x = 20 and 3x = 60

    (A+B)'s is 1 day's work

    1/20 + 1/60 = (3+1)/60 = 1/15

    A and B can complete work in 15 days

    Ex.6 A and B together can do a work in 12 days. B and C together can do it in 15 days. If A's efficiency is twice that of C, then the days required for B alone to finish the work is?

    Sol.(A+B)'s 1 day work = 1/12

    (B+C)'s 1 day work = 1/15

    Difference between 1 day's work of (A-C) = 1/12- 1/15 = 1/60 

                                                A : C

    Ratio of work efficiency = 2x : x

    Ratio of Time efficiency = x : 2x

    A's 1 day work = 1/x

    B's 1 day work = 1/2x

    1/x - 1/2x = 1/60

    (2-1)/2x = 1/60 

    1/2x = 1/60

    x= 30

    B's 1 day work

    A+B = 1/12 

    B = 1/12- A's 1 day work

    1/12- 1/30 =1/20

    B's will complete the work in 20 days

    Ex.7 A can do work in 5 days less than the time taken by B to do it. If both of them together take 100/9 days, the time taken by B alone to do the same work in is?

    Sol. let B can do work in x days

    So, A can do work in x-5 days

    1/x + 1/(x-5) = 9/100

    (x-5+x)/x(x-5) = 9/100

    9x2 - 45x = 200x-500

    9x2 - 225x - 20x +500 = 0

    9x(x-25) - 20(x-25) = 0


    x=25 because x not equal to 20/9

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