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    Algebraic Identities With solved examples


    Algebraic Identitites by Gourav Tomar

    Question based on algebraic identities

    Ex.1 x2 + 1/x2 = 7 Then find the Value of x3 + 1/x3.

    Sol. (x + 1//x)2 = x2 + 1/x2 + 2*x*1/x = 7+2 = 9

    (x + 1/x) = √9 = 3

    Cubing both sides

    x + 1/x = 33

    x3 + 1/x3 + 3*3  = 27 

    x3 + 1/x3 = 27-9 = 18

    Shortcut method using formula

    x2 + 1/x2 =7

    x + 1/x = √(7+2) = 3

    x3+ 1/x3 = 33 - 3*3 = 27-9= 18 Ans.

    Ex.2 If x = 3 + 2√2 then the value of √x - 1/√x ?

    Sol. x = 3+ 2 √2 

    Rationalize the equation

    1/x = 1/ (3+2√2) = 1/(3+2√2) * (3-2√2)/(3-2√2) = (3-2√2) /(9-8) = 3-2√2

    (√x- 1/√x)2 = x +(1/x) - 2

    Insert value of  x in above equation

    3 + 2√2 + 3 - 2√2 -2 = 4

    4 =(√x- 1/√x)2

    √x - 1/x = 2  Ans

    Ex.3 If m + 1/ (m-2) = 4 Then find the value of (m-2)2 + 1(m-2)2 .

    Sol. m + 1/(m-2) = 4

    (m-2) + 1/(m-2) = 2 


    (m-2)2 + 1/(m-2)2  = [(m-2)2+ 1/(m-2)2]-2 

    22-2 = 2 Ans

    Ex.4 If x= 4ab/a+b then find the value of (x+2a)/(x-2a) + (x+2b)/(x-2b).

    Sol. x = 4ab/(a+b) 

     x/2a = 2b/a+b

    By componendo and Dividendo

    (x+2a)/(x-2a) = (3b+a)/b-a


    (x+2b)/(x-2b) = (3a+b)/(a-b)

    (x+2a)/(x-2a) + (x+2b)/(x-2b) = (3b+a)/(b-a) + 3a+b)/(a-b)

    (3b+a-3a-b)/b-a = (2b-2a)/b-a

    2(b-a)/(b-a) = 2 Ans

    Ex.5 If x = 2- 21/3 +22/3 Then find the value of x3- 6x2 + 18x .

    Sol. x= 2- 21/3 + 22/3

    x-2 = 21/3 + 22/3.

    On cubing both the sides

    x3 - 8 - 6x2 + 12x = 4 -2 -6 (x-2).

    x3 - 6x2 + 12x + 6x = 4-2+12+8

    x3- 6x2 + 18x = 22 Ans

    Ex.6 a2 = b+c, b2 = a+c, and c2= a+b then find the Value of 1/(1+a) + 1/(1+b) + 1/(1+c),.

    Sol. 1/(1+a) + 1/(1+b) + 1/(1+c)

    Multiply and divide a/a ,b/b, c/c respectively in the above equation.

    a/(a+a2) + b/(b+b2) + c/(c+c2)

    Put values of a2, b2 , c2 in the above equation

    a/(a+b+c) + b/(a+b+c) + c/(a+b+c)

    (a+b+c)/(a+b+c) = 1 Ans

    Ex.7 If a/(1-a)+ b/(1-b) + 1/(1-c) = 1 Then find the value of 1/(1-a) +1/(1-b) + 1/(1-c) .

    Sol. a/(1-a)+ b/(1-b) + 1/(1-c) = 1

    Add 1 in each term in the above equation

    [a/(1-a) + 1] + [1/(1-b) + 1] + [1/(1-c) + 1] = 1+3

    (a+1-a)/(1-a) + (b+1-b)/(1-b) + (c+1-c)/(1-c) = 4

    1/(1-a) +1/(1-b) + 1/(1-c) = 4  Ans.

    Ex.8 If a, b, c are real and a2 + b2 + c2 = 2(a-b-c)-3, then value of 2a-3b+4c ?

    Sol. a2+b2+c2 = 2a-2b-2c-3


    (a2-2a+1) + (b2+2b+1) + (c2+2c+1) = 0

    (a-1)2 + (b+1)2 + (c+1)2.

    a-1 = 0 , b-1=0 , c-1= 0

    a=1, b=-1, c=-1 

    2a-3b+4c = 2+3-4 = 1 Ans

    Ex.9 a/b = 25/6, then the value of (a2-b2)/(a2+b2) .

    Sol. a2/b2 = 252/62 = 625/36

    By componendo and dividendo,

    (a2-b2)/(a2+b2) = (625-36)/(625+36) = 589/661  Ans.

    Ex.10 If x+y+z = 6 and x2+y2+z2 = 20 then the value of x3+y3+z3-3xyz is?

    Sol. x+y+z = 6

    On squaring,

    x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx = 36

    20+2(xy+yz+zx) = 36

    xy+yz+zx = 8

    x3+y3+z3-3xyz = (x+y+z)(x2+y2+z2-xy-yz-zx)


    72 Ans

    Ex.11 If x + 1/x = 2 then x2013 + 1/x2014?

    Sol. x + 1/x = 2

    x2 + 1 = 2x

    x2-2x+1 = 0

    (x-1)2= 0

    x = 1

    x2013 + 1/x2014  = 1+1 = 2 Ans

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